Post Construction Cleaning Tips You Cannot Avoid
Post-construction cleanups can be tricky. We made a post-construction cleaning checklist that explains everything you need to do to complete a post-construction cleanup job right.
Here is a post-construction cleaning checklist with the top 14 suggested activities you must carry out:
1. Mop hard floors
Just as carpeted floors need to be vacuumed, hard floors such as wood, tile, and bamboo should be mopped thoroughly.
2. Sponge countertops
Oftentimes, during construction projects, countertops will build up a layer of dust and grime.
In order to get them sparkling again, you should take a damp sponge and run it over the entire surface of the countertop.
3. Clean the windows
You can do this with a product such as Windex and a paper towel. There are also organic window cleaning products available if you prefer natural options.
You want to clean the windows to the point where no handprints or streaks are visible on them. No post-construction cleaning checklist is complete without cleaning the windows.
4. Dust the ceilings and ceiling fans and light Fixtures
Your building will not reach its maximum level of beauty and cleanliness unless the ceilings and
ceiling fans are dusted.
Large amounts of dust tends to accumulate on ceiling fans, so pay special attention to this area.
5. Vacuum all carpets
In order to make your carpet floors look their best, you need to vacuum them thoroughly.
Vacuuming carpets will remove any leftover debris from the construction job that landed on
the floor.
6. Wipe the mirrors
If a mirror is dirty, it gets noticed very quickly. This is because people look in them so frequently. So, make sure you wipe down the mirrors to eliminate any streaks or dirty spots.
7. Remove paint from hinges
Sometimes, during the construction process, paint can get onto hinges. This is because the painter accidentally touches his or her paintbrush to the hinge. Usually, this paint is not cleaned off during the painting process, and sometimes it is forgotten.
So, make sure that you check all hinges to make sure there is not paint. If there is, then clean it off.
8. Remove all packaging, tape, plastic, etc.
Oftentimes, during construction projects, there is a lot of leftover plastic, tape, packaging, and other materials that are left over when the job is done.
These materials come from new appliances, painters marking boundaries, new furniture, and other things.
Unfortunately, if these materials are left on the ground it creates a big mess. So, make sure that you track down every last piece of tape, plastic, and packaging and throw it away.
9. Clean exterior lights
In addition to getting dirty as the result of being outside and exposed to the elements, exterior lights can build up dust and grime during construction projects.
So, do not forget to clean these during your post-construction cleanup.
10. Clean cabinets
When you are cleaning the kitchen, make sure that you take the time to wipe down the cabinets and remove any stains or debris that might have accumulated on them.
Cabinets help to add beauty to kitchens, so make sure that you clean your cabinets thoroughly so that they can shine and make your kitchen look great.
11. Clean the toilets
This is not necessarily the most fun part of the post-construction cleaning checklist.
However, it still has to be done. Clean toilets are important not only from an aesthetic point of view but also from a hygienic point of view.
Make sure you do not skimp on this cleaning job. It is very important.
12. Diffuse essential oils into the air.
Essential oils such as eucalyptus will not only help purify the air, but they can also make the space smell exceptionally good. Further, they can help to get rid of new paint smells or any other construction smells that are lingering on.
13. Add a welcome mat
Adding a welcome mat to the front entrance of the building pr apartment not only adds character to the
building, but it gives people a place to wipe their shoes when they enter the space.
This can help to reduce the amount of dirt that reaches the floors and can reduce the amount of time you have to spend cleaning the floors in the future.
14. Empty all trash cans and recycling bins
During construction projects, trash cans and recycling bins often get full from workers throwing away materials and trash in them. To complete your post-construction checklist, you need to make sure that you empty all of the trash cans and recycling bins that are on the site.
Only then will the building or apartment be entirely clean.